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Bill Maher Predicts 2024 Election Coup Attempt by Trump


Los Angeles, May 31, 2024 — Bill Maher, the host of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, has issued a dire warning about the 2024 presidential election, predicting a potential coup attempt by former President Donald Trump. Maher detailed his concerns during a recent episode, suggesting that Trump is laying the groundwork to claim victory regardless of the actual vote count (TheWrap)​.


Maher described the scenario as a "slow-moving coup," asserting that Trump has been systematically purging the Republican Party of members who oppose him and supporting restrictive voting laws designed to disenfranchise young and minority voters. According to Maher, this strategy aims to ensure Trump’s path back to the White House by undermining the democratic process.

"He’s like a shark that’s not gone, just gone out to sea," Maher remarked, using a vivid metaphor to describe Trump's persistence and strategic planning. Maher expressed fears that the combination of Trump's refusal to concede, the GOP's restrictive voting measures, and a potential shift in political power in key swing states could lead to unprecedented electoral chaos​​.


Maher’s warning extended beyond election mechanics to potential civil unrest. He speculated that the divisive rhetoric and possible actions by Trump’s supporters could culminate in violence, akin to the January 6 Capitol riot. He painted a picture of half a million armed Trump voters storming the Capitol if the election results did not favor their candidate.

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